Sonora, California in Tuolumne County, near Yosemite National Park, was your typical gold rush town of 1849. But unlike other gold rush towns, Sonora was founded by Mexican miners, hence the name Sonora.
Also in the cultural mix were Chinese immigrants that arrived by the thousands during the height of the gold mining years. The Chinese helped build the railroads, worked in mining camps, and labored on farms and ranches.
And just as many Americans and Europeans arrived making many of the Chinese immigrants servants to the Englishmen. Eventually the Chinese were pushed out of Sonora, relocated 10 miles to the north, and settled in what would be called Chinese Camp.
The original names were Camp Washington and Washingtonville and it had its own zip code 95309. The Chinese Camp post office was established in the general store in 1854. Today the post office operates on a plot of land rented from a local resident. Chinese Camp is a California Historical Landmark #423, dedicated on March 4, 1949.
The region of Sonora suffered deadly fires, extreme violence, accidental deaths, and murders, making this area ripe for hauntings. That’s what drew me and Lingering Souls Paranormal to Sonora, California.

Lead Investigator/Empath, Cherie, previously scouted the area and found Ed and Mary Ann, the owners of Rustic Roses antique shop in downtown Sonora. And guess what? Yep, their place was haunted! It’s not your typical haunting that one would expect from an antique shop.
This shop sits on top of an old tunnel system used before prohibition. Back in its day of the gold rush, the tunnel was actually an opium den and where most of the Chinese immigrants lived during that era.
Many people died during the fires and from the living conditions of the time. Many of the bodies were never recovered from the fires and lay in the earth exposed by the tunnels. Bone fragments can be found everywhere under the stores that line the downtown area of Sonora.
We discovered that the souls lingering below are in mass and when they tried to communicate with us, it was too overwhelming, as they all tried to communicate at the same time. Our time underground was brief due to the overwhelming energy level that inundated us.
The Lingering Souls Paranormal Team loves to eat before investigating. And we found a great restaurant (Emberz) on the same street as Rustic Roses. That’s were my story begins…
Rustic Roses is located at: 7171 S. Washington St. Sonora, Ca. 95370. They are on Facebook.
Love the videos that allows us to feel some of what you are feeling.
Thanks Dave!
WOW! Those Spooks sure make you hungry and thirsty.😯😯😯
Lol thanks Kevin!