Body Host for Evil

Tribal land from long ago

It is not common for me to investigate demonic homes, let alone investigating solo without a team of people. It is by choice not to do these types of investigations. Specifically, because they are extremely dangerous, especially if you do not know what you are doing. I do not take these matters lightly. Many things can go wrong, but at the same time, things can go right and you might be able to save someone.

SLS Paranormal, formerly Lingering Souls Paranormal, was contacted by Janet months earlier. She and her husband are the homeowners of a residence that had become more than just haunted. She claimed to be possessed by an entity that is demonic and has full control of the spirits that reside at the house.

At the time, it was not fully understood what the issue was, but SLS could not assist due to the nature of the problem. I learned many other paranormal teams and a couple of mediums came to the home and investigated. All of them either could not help or refused to help after discovering the dark secrets of the home and the family living there.

SLS Paranormal had good reason not to investigate. One of its members, Cherie, the psychic medium I work with, became the target of the demonic entity residing in the home once the homeowner attempted to reach out to her. Merely reaching out gave the demonic entity the ability to reach Cherie telepathically causing her some harm. That is the immense broad power the demonic entity has.

As I said earlier, it is by choice for me to steer clear of demonic activity. But two things compelled me to take this project. One, Cherie asked if I would, and I trust her intuition on that and two, network television asked the same. It was a dangerous situation for me, but I was not the intended target of the entity. But that entity reached me as well, showed itself to me in a demonic form to attempt to scare me off days prior to my arrival.

Janet became possessed about 3 years ago by what she claimed was a demonic entity. She described the feeling of being taken over. She said it felt as if the entity entered her stomach and moved around inside her until it settled in and has not left since then.

From there she started to experience physical attacks, sexual assault, and repeated attempted rapes while she tried to sleep at night. She said she sees a shadow figure watching her while she showers on a regular basis. The sexual assaults happen every night by an unknown force that she cannot see. And is still happening.

She said her physical and mental health have dramatically declined. And she said her husband thinks she needs a psychiatric evaluation. He is a non-believer in ghosts and everything paranormal even though things that he cannot explain have happened to him in the home as well.


Before possession and after possession photos
scratch marks by the entity

Before I arrived to Janet’s house, I was driving down the road that leads to her home, and I was already sensing that the land was active and was once tribal. Some of the tribal period entities come and go from the house. The home is filled with other paranormal activity with good vs evil playing out every moment. Some spirits are trying to protect her, while others are harming her.  

During my walk though of the home I discovered an entrance portal and an exit portal in the home, upstairs. I discovered the demonic entity resides in the attic space in the master bedroom.

You can smell something rotting like meat or eggs upstairs. You can hear deep growling sounds, and orbs are a constant. Dark shadow figures roam the house and every upstairs room felt intense, heavy, and dark. There was an evil presence that had me in a constant nauseated state. The sensation of being on a rocking boat in treacherous waters. Enough for me to feel the need to vomit.

This so-called demonic entity to me felt like it was once human, but somehow figured out how to transform into a powerful demonic creature!

One story not fully being told by Janet yet is about her adult son. She claimed years ago, as a teenager and prior to living in her current home, her son created a Ouija board out of paper and summoned a demon. Later in life, the son became an alcoholic and lived a dark life. She said she allowed him to stay in the current home not too long ago but had him leave because she felt he brought darkness, excessive drinking, and other domestic issues with him. She said he is now in a facility recovering from alcoholism.

Personally, and this is just a feeling, but I think in the son’s drunken rage and probably hate for his mom for telling him to get help for his drinking problem, he might have cast some type of demon, curse, spell, or other on his mother. And what we are seeing today is the outcome. I believe all of the demonic activity is tied to her. In other words, no matter where she goes, where she moves to, she will always have this attachment with her until it can be extracted.

It is my goal to help Janet even if television decides not to air this episode or not bring their exorcist experts. I am actively seeking a person with the skill to exorcise/extract the entity out of Janet.

After I went home from the investigation, it took 3 days to repair myself and bring myself back to a level of feeling normal again. It took a series of cleansings, clearings, and prayers to get me back. This is why I do not do these investigations on a regular basis. It takes a lot out of me and it comes with a lot of inner soul preparation before the investigation.

Until next time on Haunted Foodie Traveler…

6 thoughts on “Body Host for Evil

    1. PTashLasVegas says:

      Yes, she has a few times and was immediately attacked by it.


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